
The Birthday Grinch

This is hilarious: A blogger crashed Paris Hilton's birthday party, then stole her cake. He didn't set out to steal the cake—that's what makes this so brilliant. Instead, he just took such good and full advantage of the open bar that he got wasted and, in his stupor, decided it a good idea to steal the three-tier cake.

"I woke up this morning with a $2000 birthday cake in my living room. It’s big. It’s red. It says “Paris.” And its fucking delicious," he writes.

The blogger, Paz, briefly explains how his buddy convinced him to crash the party and, once inside, how it all shook out. It seems the key to their success—in terms of crashing the party, and stealing the cake, too—was simply acting like they belonged there. (That was my strategy when I was challenged to crash a party at the Russian Embassy in Ottawa several years ago. Indeed, it worked—but sadly, there was no cake for me to eat, never mind steal.)

According to Paz's account, the party was all fine and well, until he realized no birthday cake was being served. There were multiple cakes, but no one was eating it. (Apparently Paris Hilton has her cake, but doesn't want to eat it, too.) And when Paz heard the uneaten cake would probably be tossed, he decided to take action. Click here to read the entire hilarious play-by-play.

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