
The 8 rings of Vegas Hell

This video is a must-watch for anyone who lives (or has lived, or, heck, has spent more than a weekend) in Vegas -- if you've gambled/partied/stayed at the Hard Rock especially.

(whomever wrote this sure hated the Hard Rock. For the record, I don't think the place is that bad -- this short just does a really good job of exploiting its cheesiest characteristics -- which, of course, aren't exclusive to HRH.)

The premise goes like this: Two friends decide to go to Vegas where they quickly find themselves sucked in by the douchebaggage emanating from the city's very core.

Armed with four talking sidekicks -- a condom, an obnoxious/ugly shirt, a cell phone and a money clip -- the guys have all they need. They hop a plane (modeled after Virgin's signature fleet of dance-dance-revolution/dance-dance-aeroplanos) and head to Sin City.

Once in sunny LV, they wear tacky shirts, party at tacky clubs, and -- lord have mercy -- go to the tackiest place in the entire cesspool: Rehab (The Hard Rock's pool party, not the self-help place; THIS rehab is as opposite of self-help as you can get... from what I understand, you have to be a straight-up masochist (or completely insane) to voluntarily go there.)

Needless to say, debauchery ensues: The guys do a few kilos of coke, sleep with a bimbo, and party with the devil.

At any rate, animation is great, the story is funny and you should totally check it out.


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