
The Great Migration

As some of you know, I've had this blog for a while. A long while. And a few months ago, I started migrating over to Tumblr.

Tumblr is far from perfect, but I dig it. And I have faith that it will get better.

I've been posting here and re-posting the same stuff to my Tumblr for some time now, but the import tool I was using to do it has been deactivated, thus rendering the double-dipping a royal pain in the ass. So, friends, the time has come for me to commit and make the move to Tumblr. I hope you join me, since that's where I'm going to be posting everything from here on in.

Perhaps I'll come back to Blogger one day, who knows. But for the time being, I don't have the time to do both.

The full URL is but redirects to it.


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