
A word on the current Best Buy television ad campaign:

(originally posted Dec. 12, 2006)

Yes, the ads are really annoying - that goes without saying. But just in case you men out there haven't clued in to the fact that advertising doesn't always tell the truth, listen up. This just might save your relationship

One of Best Buy's holiday commercials shows a husband shopping for his wife. He asks the male sales rep for suggestions, and they go from big, to bigger, to biggest tv. The last one, the rep assures the man, would prompt the man's wife to repeatedly exclaim "I love you," do a happy dance, and give her husband a big bear hug.

Gents, do not be fooled. Instead of the good books, I can pretty much guarantee buying your wife a big screen tv will secure your gullible self a place in the dog house.

Unless you're far more financially secure than the rest of us, chances are you don't have $5000+ floating around your bank account, patiently waiting to be spent on something.

Let's face the facts: when you live together, your money is "our" money. So that $5000 tv you just bought her was really the kitchen renovation she was hoping for. Or vacation to the tropics.

And we lassies aren't stupid; she'll know the tv isn't for her. Remember that episode of the Simpsons when Homer buys Marge a bowling ball, complete with "Homer" engraved in it? Yeah, that's what you'd be doing here. (Another thing worth remembering: the bowling ball prompted Marge to take bowling lessons, and she nearly had an affair with her bowling instructor...).

The bottom line: If you give your wife a gigantic tv for Christmas, you might as well pick up some divorce papers, too. You just might need 'em.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.