Seriously, now: what possesses people to buy yellow Chevy Cavaliers? I mean, it's a wonder in itself that people choose to drive Cavaliers in the first place... but... yellow ones?!
I admit I don't drive the nicest car. It’s 4 years old now and it's painted a color that I hate, as well: silver. But it could be worse; it could be yellow. And I didn't choose the color of my car. I bought it used, and in a pinch. But I digress...
Yellow family cars should be banned. Worldwide. They are ugly, scream “desperate loser,” and make people look stupid. And it's not like we need help looking moronic---the 80s leftover mullets and WWF t-shirts do enough for society.
Come on, now, people! There is nothing cool about a Chevy Cavalier. Painting it yellow doesn't make it cooler. In fact, I contend that painting it yellow makes it more uncool. And no, those cheesy vinyl decals don’t help, either. That's right, mister: you're not fooling anyone. Not anymore.
I find it peculiar that Chevy has churned out yellow Cavaliers, but you don’t see Ford rolling out yellow Falcons or Tempos. Hmmm.
Now I understand that some people (myself included) don't have the cash to go out and buy a sweet, pimped-out car. Or truck, for that matter. But that's okay. I---unlike Mr. Yellow Cavalier Driver---know my place. Perhaps Mr. YCD should take notes.
Yellow is a color that should be reserved for impressive, and dare I say, exclusive cars. High-end, top-shelf sports cars, like vipers. Vipers are special cars, and they can be yellow if they want to be. But there's nothing impressive, exclusive, or special about a Chevy Cavalier.
You're 34 years old, you have a baby's car seat in the back seat. Give it up, buddy: the dream is still alive, but you, my friend, are not living that dream.
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