
Honk if you`re...

If you’re female, you know the scenario. You’re walking down the sidewalk and a vehicle drives by and honks. What the hell, you wonder. Was it a friend of mine? Was it some desperate guy who liked what he saw? Or was the driver so paranoid that they thought they’d honk, just to make sure I didn’t leap off the sidewalk and onto the roadway as they passed? Do I look suicidal?
I just don’t get it. If you know me, stop and say hi, or call me later.
And if you’re one of those lonely guys, get a life. And by get a life, I don’t mean honk at random women. Trust me, you won’t meet your soul mate during a 65 Kmph drive-by.
I am genuinely confused. What are these men thinking? Girls will excitedly catapult their phone numbers into the flatbed of their pick-up truck as it zooms off? Flash them as they drive off into the distance? Get real.
And don’t worry, grandpa, I’m not a jumper. But if you’re really and truly concerned, slow down a little.
My first experience with this phenomenon was back in my teens. Remember, I grew up in a small town so when people drove by and honked, you knew them, so it wasn’t the same.
Oh, the joys of big city living. Or just visiting. At first I thought it was a genuine compliment from a shy admirer. But no, I was wrong. Then I went to Calgary, home of the lonliest and easiest to please men on the planet, apparently. I swear to gawd, every third truck honks in that town. It got real old real fast.
I have a girlfriend who really enjoys the attention. She yells at the drivers as they speed off, and I kind of want to jump into the bushes and hide when she does. No wonder they never turn back; if anything, I think any driver notices her reaction would be smart to gun it.
Perhaps a honker will read this and be able to shed some light on this subject for me. Apparently, it is just too bizarre a concept for me to understand.

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